
This section describes how the module maps products to Shopware and what configuration options are available. If you are interested in mapping product variants please refer to the variant-mapping documentation.


The following subsections are involved in mapping products:


* Please refer to the variant-mapping documentation


    "subsections": {
        "product": {
            "enabled": false,
            "deleteMode": "...",
            "warehouses": [
            "mapVariants": false

The field mapVariants is used to activate the mapping of product variants. Please refer to the product-variant mapping documentation.

Mapping Table

Target: product
Source: Elio\CommerceBundle\Document\Product\Product

Target Field Source Path
* tax_id taxGroup.identifier
referenced entity searched by tax.custom_fields.{{SICF}}
manufacturer_id manufacturer.identifier
referenced entity searched by product_manufacturer.custom_fields.{{SICF}}
unit_id basePriceCalculation.baseUnit.abbreviation
referenced entity searched by unit.translations.short_code or unit.custom_fields.{{SICF}}
active active
* price defaultPrice.netPrice or productPriceLists
see "Product Price Mapping"
manufacturer_number productIdentifiers.mpn
ean productIdentifiers.ean
* product_number identifier
* stock availability.warehouses
see "Stock Mapping"
is_closeout availability.clearanceSale
purchase_steps availability.purchaseSteps
max_purchase availability.maxOrderQuantity
min_purchase availability.minOrderQuantity
purchase_unit basePriceCalculation.sellingQuantity
* reference_unit basePriceCalculation.baseQuantity
weight packageDimensions.weight.value
Unit is converted to mm automatically
width packageDimensions.width.value
Unit is converted to mm automatically
height packageDimensions.height.value
Unit is converted to mm automatically
length packageDimensions.length.value
Unit is converted to kg automatically
* release_date generalInformation.publicationDate
*T name
T description generalInformation.description
T keywords generalInformation.metaInformation.metaKeywords
T meta_description generalInformation.metaInformation.metaDescription
T meta_title generalInformation.metaInformation.metaTitle
T pack_unit
T pack_unit_plural packageDimensions.packageUnit.namePlural
categories categoryRelations
tags tags
properties propertyOptionCollection
visibilities channels

Product Prices

Two types of product prices are supported: "normal" prices and currency dependent prices.

"Normal" Prices

To map "normal" prices the attribute Product::defaultPrice must be set. This price will be assigned to the default currency of the shop.

Currency Aware Prices

In order to map a single currency aware price to Shopware you have to create a currency aware price list that in turn contains a single price for the target currency in the data model. Example:

    new ArrayCollection(
            CurrencyAwarePriceListFactory::makeSingleList(iso: 'EUR', netPrice: 20, pseudoPrice: 25),
            CurrencyAwarePriceListFactory::makeSinglePriceList(iso: 'USD', sellingPrice: new SellingPrice(25, 30))

see Elio\CommerceBundle\Util\Product\Price\Lists\CurrencyAwarePriceListFactory

To verify the resulting prices in Shopware you can go to admin -> product -> prices -> currency dependent pricing. For this example the output will be the following:

Currency Dependent Prices

Stocks and Warehouses

You can manage stocks on your products in this way:

$warehouseStocks = new WarehouseStock(50);
$warehouse = new Warehouse('myWarehouse', new ArrayCollection([$warehouseStocks]));
// new product
$product = new Product('myProduct');
$product->setAvailability(new Availability(new ArrayCollection([$warehouseStocks])));
// existing product

The configuration for stocks has the following structure:

    "subsections": {
        "product": {
            "enabled": true,
            "deleteMode": "hard",
            "warehouses": [

warehouses defines the names of the warehouses that are used to calculate the stock. Without configuration all warehouses are used. The module requires at least one mapped warehouse to be available on a product, otherwise it will be flagged as invalid.

Base Price Calculation, Units and Dimensions

The mapping between Shopware and the data model can be a bit confusing, especially for units and reference units. So we'll break it down in detail here. In the backend of Shopware you can find the section "Measures & Packaging" on the "Specifications" tab of the product detail page:

Measures And Packaging

As you can see the corresponding source paths were added to that figure.


The package dimensions are actually pretty straight forward:

Backend Field Table Column synQup Field
Weight weight packageDimensions.weight.value
Unit is converted to kg automatically
Width width packageDimensions.width.value
Unit is converted to mm automatically
Height height packageDimensions.height.value
Unit is converted to mm automatically
Length length packageDimensions.length.value
Unit is converted to mm automatically

The only thing to consider for weights is that only g and kg are supported as unit.


Backend Field Name Table Column Name synQup Field Name
Selling unit purchase_unit basePriceCalculation.sellingQuantity
Scale unit unit_id basePriceCalculation.baseUnit
Packaging unit pack_unit
Packaging unit plural pack_unit_plural packageDimensions.packageUnit.namePlural
Basic unit reference_unit basePriceCalculation.baseQuantity

basePriceCalculation.baseUnit is extracted from products in the extract-embedded-product-info subsection. The unit will be mapped as UnitEntity to the unit table.


The following figure contains a product with all units, dimensions and packaging units:

# width, height, length, and weight
$cm = $this->unitDefinitionService->getUnit(UnitDefinition::CENTIMETER);
$kg = $this->unitDefinitionService->getUnit(UnitDefinition::KILOGRAM);

$width = new Dimension(1, $cm);  # will be converted to mm automatically
$height = new Dimension(2, $cm); # will be converted to mm automatically
$length = new Dimension(3, $cm); # will be converted to mm automatically
$weight = new Dimension(4, $kg);

# selling unit
$sellingUnit = 5;
# scale unit
$scaleUnit = new Unit(
    abbreviation: 'pt.',
    name: TranslationCollection::create([Locale::en_GB, 'part']), 
    namePlural: TranslationCollection::create([Locale::en_GB, 'parts']), # name plural

# packaging unit and packaging unit plural
$packagingUnits = new Unit(
    'pc', # abbreviation - this value is actually ignored
    TranslationCollection::create([Locale::en_GB, 'piece']), # name
    TranslationCollection::create([Locale::en_GB, 'pieces']) # name plural

# basic unit
$basicUnit = 6;

# combine values
$product->setPackageDimensions(new PackageDimensions($width, $height, $length, $weight, $packagingUnits));
$product->setBasePriceCalculation(new BasePriceCalculation($basicUnit, $sellingUnit, $scaleUnit));

The result in the administration panel looks like this:

Measures And Packaging