There are three different documentations for the Shopware 6 module:

  • The Output-Module is used to transfer documents (products, customers, manufacturers, ...) from synQup to Shopware.
  • The Media-Module synchronizes images for products and categories in Shopware.
  • The Input-Module is used to read orders from Shopware to synQup.

This is the documentation for the Shopware 6 Media Module for version 3+.


The "Shopware 6 Media Module" is part of the Shopware 6 Module. The media-module is used to synchronize media files between your transfer data and Shopware.

Supported Entities

The module is able to handle media for the following entities:

Job Dispatcher Mapping

Use the following JobDispatcherMapping configuration to set up the module:

  • process_step_identifier: output
  • message_fqcn: Synqup\Modules\Shopware6Bundle\Output\Media\StartShopware6OutputMediaMessage
  • configuration: ({...})