There are three different documentations for the Shopware 6 module:

  • The Output-Module is used to transfer documents (products, customers, manufacturers, ...) from synQup to Shopware.
  • The Media-Module synchronizes images for products and categories in Shopware.
  • The Input-Module is used to read orders from Shopware to synQup.

This is the documentation for the Shopware 6 Input Module.


The "Shopware 6 Input Module" is part of the Shopware 6 Module. In general, the input-module is used to transfer orders from Shopware to synQup.

Deprecation Warning

The input module is a relic from a past project that needed to read orders from Shopware. It is not intended that further projects rely on it. Please contact us if you need information about the input module.

Work in Progress

The input module is currently undergoing a major overhaul. Once this is complete, it will be able to export all entities from Shopware that the output module is able to import. Until then, we ask you to be patient, more information will follow.